Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Short Post


Hi Everyone, Today I would like to start up a Joy Scale. I got the idea from my lovely wife and it seems very appropriate to use instead of the Pain Scale. I am very tired of doctors and nurses asking me what my pain is on a scale from one to ten.
I would like to announce that I had my blood drawn the other day to check my PSA level. Well my PSA score is 0.01. Yes that's right 0.01. Yeah. What that means is that the 3 month hormone implant-Zolodex-and the Casadex. So I am feeling good about that. Statistics say that prostate cancer patients can tolerate the Zolodex for approximately two to five years, but I am not a fan of statistics and I belive my body will tolerate it much longer. My reasoning is that everyone is different and reacts different to medicines.
That's it for today.
Tomorrow I want to share a few nice things that happenned during my hospital stay.

Peace and Love to All


  1. Hey man, that's why I think so highly of can share a "positive" about a hospital stay......stay healthy and have a great holiday weekend!

  2. Hal have you ever seen the movie "This is Spinal Tap" ? The reason I ask is because they have a scene where they talk about how loud the amplifiers are and that theirs are different because they go to (11) not the standard ten like every other amplifier...
    I love your Joy Scale idea pops - Make yours go to ELEVEN as well and who know where it will take you!!! Love ya Pops. Dan
