Hi Everyone, This is fun finding funny picture to put on my posts. They make me laugh and I hope you do too.
Today I would like to talk briefly about proper breathing. Years ago I found an article Learn to Breathe Like a Yogi.........And be as Serene as a Yogi by William Wittmann. One of the fastest ways to regain your composure and/or peace of mind is by breath control. Watch someone when they are sleeping or meditating and you will see a deep even breathing. That is how you should learn to consciously breathe when you want to calm down. Learning to breath consciously this way takes years of practice, but here is a technique that will have you feeling as calm and serene as a yogi in a few minutes. It is used by the Russian Navy Commandos (their equivalent to our Navy Seals). They used it to help them develop breath control so that they could hold their breath for longer periods of time. This technique can be used anywhere. You can use it just before bed to relax you before going to sleep. The author of the article that teaches this technique feels that it could help sleep, insomnia and possibly sleep apnea.
Here is the techniques. Get a normal drinking straw. Now put the straw in your mouth, plug your nose, and breathe through the straw. Simple huh? Most people will feel a touch of panic because it doesn't feel as if you are getting enough air, but you will accommodate to it quickly. Keep breathing this way for as long as you wish. You will find that you will get more and more relaxed. After you have learned to use one straw effectively tape two straws in a chain. That is tape the straws end to end. Later you can add a third. The author doesn't feel the need to go beyond three straws. The extra straws will deepen your experience even more. Give it a try.
Peace and Love to All
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