Monday, July 13, 2009

Sleepy Time

Hi Everybody, It is 3AM Monday morning and most of you are in dreamland. This is the time i usually head for the bed. I am not sure if I am a night owl or an insomniac. Maybe a little of each. I have given this late night/ early morning bed a lot of thought since it is a bone of contention between my lovely wife and me. She believes that a good night's sleep help my body fight the cancer. That makes good sense. I, on the other hand, feel that it doesn't make a difference what time I go to bed as long as I get adequate sleep. Keep in mind that every person doesn't always need eight hours of sleep. Some need ten or more while others, like me only need three to five hours of sleep. There is another factor in my late nights and early mornings. I don't want to miss anything. I don't know when my time is up so I want to live life as much as possible. If I could I would stay up 24/7. I will admit that time flies when I am at the computer and before I know it it is 3AM. Well a couple more things to do and off to bed. Sleep well for soon it will be time to get up and get ready for work. LOL. Enjoy the cat picture as it reflects a little bit of what we covered in this post except She/He has covered both sides of tonight's discussion. She/He is in bed and She/He is also having fun (not sleeping)! Ha-ha.
Peace and Love to All

1 comment:

  1. OK, how could I not comment on this one! There are numerous studies plus people we trust in our lives who have recommended that you need sleep at night, regular schedule. Consistent sleep. It is during the night that the body heals itself. So you are missing out on that benefit. I'll also tell you a secret, I miss having you fall asleep beside me, our energies blending into peaceful slumber. In the night it makes me smile when I roll over and you are there in bed with me. I feel sleep is so important to keeping healthy and to healing, I will not even joke about it. You mentioned missing out on things, well, you are missing out on things during the day when you are sleeping. Please give sleep a try, it really isn't the devil!
    I love you, you exasperating man!
