Thursday, July 9, 2009

Watchful Waiting

Hi Everyone, I would like to talk about a method called "Watchful Waiting." This information was taken from a book called QuickFacts Prostate Cancer When You Need to Know-Now by the American Cancer Society. It is an excellent reference book and one i used almost exclusively. Now "Watchful Waiting" occurs when prostate cancer grows very slowly. Some men-especially those who are older or have other serious health problems-may never need treatment for their prostate cancer. This is when the doctors call this expectant management, or "Watchful Waiting."In Watchful Waiting PSA testing is used without any active treatment such as surgery or radiation therapy. One reason that PSA testing might raise a red flag would be when the PSA level doubles in less than three years.If you are younger, then Watchful Waiting is generally not an option especially if the cancer is aggressive. I will talk about that scenario in another post.I hope everyone is taking the time to laugh and enjoy their time on this earthly plane.
Peace and Love to All

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