Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Hurt Game

Hi Everyone, My joy scale is down today because my lovely wife has a fever and doesn't feel well. I call it sympathy pains. I have heard the term, "Happy Wife Happy Life." From my experience I believe that is true. Sometimes those of us that have cancer forget that our loved ones suffer just as much, if not more, than we do. You might wonder why would they hurt more than us? They live with us day after day sharing our pain and feeling our frustration. Also you must remember that when we go to the other side our loved ones are still here living, coping, and picking up the pieces. I am not suggesting that you constantly worry about this. I just don't want you to lose sight of what is really going on and that there is more to living with cancer than yourself. I have said enough for tonight. How about a big old belly laugh.
Peace and Love to All.

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